The Pottery Post Blog

Build A Vertical Garden

Easy DIY Vertical Garden

It's getting a bit chilly outside now so it's time to consider moving your herbs indoors. Vertical gardens are the rage right now especially where space is limited like in an apartment or small home.  Here is a easy way to bring those potted herbs indoors, display they beautifully and still have space to spare.

Because this vertical garden holds all kinds of terracotta pots and  hangs it's perfect for a blank kitchen wall or area.  Do you need a divider wall between your living space and your kitchen area.  Want to add some potted green to a covered patio area where it's all white or beige, this works perfectly.

Start with 20 - 4" terracotta flowerpots
5 3/4" pine boards 3 feet long
1/4" rope 
zip ties

The instructions are easy to follow so here is a step by step.

Of course the dimensions are easy to adjust if you want a smaller vertical hanging garden or if you choose to use smaller or larger planters. You can adjust from potted herbs to a planted succulent garden or a potted cactus display. The point it if you like this look, love to indoor garden and think you would like to try your own vertical garden then give it a go and tell us how you did.  Good Luck!
Read more.....Houseplant pests.
Read more.....Great Succulent Projects.
vertical garden diy project terracotta pots planters pottery home and garden project pot holder planter

Post Last Updated: 8/28/2023 2:46:31 PM 

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