The Pottery Post Blog

Fragrant & Fruity All Potted


Have you ever tried to grow a dwarf fruit tree in a garden pot for your patio or deck areas?  Spend just one night sleeping next to a open window on a citrus grove and you will not have to think twice about trying this.  The scent is heavenly.
Good things really do come in small packages.  Dwarf citrus trees provide all the fruiting capabilities of the full sized ones but stay small because they are grafted on a smaller root stock and kept root bound in their garden pots.  The most difficult issue you will face is trying to decide on which variety to choose from.

Some of the more popular varieties to pot are the Meyer lemon, which produces juicy, not tart, bright yellow lemons all year long.  The Eureka is the one usually found in supermarkets.

Limes are perfect container plants, especially Key Lime and the larger Bears seedless lime.  Both produce fabulous fruit with a tang that is great for pies.  Don't forget the leaves, they are very fragrant and can be used in Thai and Asian cooking.  Yummy!

Lemons and Limes are great but don't forget the other citrus plants you can pot and grow.  Valencia and Calamondian Orange.  Tangerine and Kumquat look lovely, smell great even if you don't eat them.  Whatever you decide is fine but consider that you will have to re-pot it into a suitable container.

One that matches your decor indoors or outdoors.  Pick a pot that is only slightly larger than the root ball and no more than 20" in diameter for bigger trees.  The idea is to cramp the roots and keep them from over growing.  Line the bottom of the pot with regular potting soil, insert the tree and barely cover the root ball with more soil.  Then water thoroughly.  Plan on re-potting every 3 years or so.
Expect the tree to drop some leaves initially but they will perk up when they have had a time to rest.  Potted Citrus trees thrive in full sun even though they are tolerant to a wide range of temperatures.  Just avoid extremes.
Lastly, remember that citrus does not ripen like a tomato.  Most potted trees require 12 months to produce mature fruit.  The best way to test for ripeness is to do a taste test.  Now how bad can that be????
Follow the mfg directions on pruning and fertilizing.  Most of all just have fun, enjoy the site, smell and taste of these fun and easy trees.
Read more.....How thirsty are your potted plants?
Read more.....Starting plants from seeds.

Post Last Updated: 9/18/2023 12:41:49 PM 

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