1. Use a bulb planter and dig to the depth required. A rule of thumb is to go two to three times as deep as the bulb is tall - just not too shallow, lest the squirrels make off with your bounty. This rule is the same for whether you plant in the ground or a lovely garden planter that is placed on your patio or front porch.
Consider spacing and pattern, so you will have a lush flower bed come spring. Place them an inch closer together than the directions say.
2. Add bone meal about a tablespoon to each hole as an organic fertilizer. This step really helps when the bulb starts to grow.
3. Carefully place a bulb in each hole, with the tip pointing upward - this helps ensure that flowers will grow to about the same height.
4. Refill the holes with dirt. Add a two or three inch layer of mulch atop the planting area.